Saturday 31 January 2009

Short run yesterday!

My legs felt really tired last night so cut my 10km run short and did 6.9km at an average of 10.9km/h. Yes, brother would say too fast for a training run but can't help it. Sometimes I think my legs are programmed to run between 10.5-11km/h. When I try and do a longer run it's so difficult to go at a slower pace and I know that this will be important once I start with marathon training. Luckily that's not until next winter now.

I've also made the decision to drop my next 1/2 marathon in Wilmslow on 29th March. Have a really busy period ahead at work and not sure if I will have the energy to put in long distance training at the weekends. The one after that is in Chester on 17th May and I will have lots more time in April to put some decent sessions in with other people from the group, as many will compete in Chester. We'll see what happens, but as I mentioned before my target is to run will in the Summer.

Hopefully tomorrow's race will be ok and aiming for a sub-24 minutes time if possible. More with some photos tomorrow afternoon.

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