Saturday 27 December 2008

Target for 2009: Amsterdam marathon!

Olympisch stadium in Amsterdam, start & finish van de marathon

As you will have seen from the title of my blog, I've brought my dream of running a marathon forward by 6 months and plan to run the Amsterdam marathon on 18th October 2009! I'm running 3 half marathons, Helsby in January, Wilmslow in March and Chester in May, in preparation for the marathon. From April I've also more time to train in the evenings, so will be able to do a few more long runs and als tend to take more leave from work in spring and summer.

My brother Pascal has already promised his support in Amsterdam and he'll be running with me (my pace that is!!) all the way. The aim will be 4 hours be we'll see first what my times for half the distance are and I might have to adjust this goal slightly. My thoughts were a pace of 10km/h, 4h13' but my little brother said I can do better, so I'll follow his advice providing the 1/2 marathons so to plan. Need to run at least 2 in 1u50 or better to go for the 4h goal.

Anyway, looking forward to the challenge and I know I can do it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Je bent blijkbaar goed gebeten door de loopmicrobe . Mooi doel de marathon van Amsterdam en met een haas als Pascal moet dit van een leien dakje lopen . Al moet er wel nog getraind worden . Alvast succes met de voorbereidingen op de halve marathons . Verder nog een gelukkig eindejaar toegewenst !!!!