Tuesday, 24 February 2009
First marathon booked and quiet week on the running front!
Family friend Ludo Depoortere has kindly offered to run with me and mum will be cycling with us from 4km onwards.
Not sure yet what target I will be going for. Have 4 hours in mind, but my second 1/2 marathon in Chester will tell me more. Main thing is to finish my first marathon without stopping.
Not much time and energy for running this week. Will just do a run on Friday and a training race in Farndon on Sunday afternoon. Busy at work and not feeling great. Getting some bloodtest results tomorrow so hopefully they will tell me why I have been feeling so exhausted lately.
Ciao Nathalie
Monday, 23 February 2009
Broer traint 7 op 7!
"Deze week goed doorgetraind. Een weekje van in totaal 117 km (7 op 7 gelopen).
Maandag : 15 r op de finse piste (14,55 km in 1h08'27" = 12,75 km/h)
Dinsdag : op de finse piste 3 km opwarmen dan 4 x 2.000m snel (+/- 16 km/h), dan nog 3 km loslopen (totaal : 16,5 km).
Woensdag : 1 kl. en 2 gr rondes rond de Gavers, laatste grote ronde sneller (Totaal :19,2 km in 1h35' = 12,12 km/h).
Donderdag : 2 gr rondes rond gavers in 30'39" en 31'04" (totaal : 13,6 km in 1h01'43" = 13,22 km/h).
Vrijdag : 3 grote rondes rond de Gavers : eerste ronde rustig daarna tempo gelijdelijk aan
opdrijven. Eerste ronde in 31'40" = 12,88 km/h, 2de ronde in 28'20" = 14,4 km/h , 3de ronde in 26'02" = 15,67 km/h. Totale training : 20,4 km in 1h26'02" = 14,22 km/h
Zaterdag : op Finse piste 11 r rustig : 10,67 km in 51'00" = 12,55 km/h
Zondag : Toer van Moen : 22,75 km , eerste 10 km "rustig" in 45'00" = 13,3 km/h,daarna constant rond 15 km/h of meer tot op het eind. Totale training : 22,75 km in 1h34'41" = 14,42 km/h. Sterk , zeker na die zware training al op vrijdag.
Ik kan nu dus met zekerheid gaan in Terneuzen (op Zat 28/02) voor een sterke eindtijd".
Hum, weet niet wat ik ervan moet denken en of Pascal niet een beetje teveel aan het trainen is. Toch best 1 dag rust inlassen per week!
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Another good run tonight!
Decided to do an evening run with the group after all as I enjoy the Caldy Valley route. Did approx. 9km with an average pace of 11km/h. Know this is probably too fast again for a training run for me but the legs felt good and I was still able to chat with Sue from time to time!
Tomorrow I'll try a short run with Rebecca accompanying me on her bike. We'll see how that goes and hopefully it'll be something we can do regularly in Spring!
Booked a spinning session early on Saturday morning as really enjoyed my first experience a few months ago and want to do this on a regular basis.
Hopefully Sunday morning we'll be running 10km+ with a few of the group. Have also just completed the entry form for my next race: Farndon 10km next Sunday 1st March. First time I will do this race and change from my usual 5km in Alexandra Park in Manchester.
Bye for now - Nathalie
Monday, 16 February 2009
Goede training vanavond en verandering in de planning!
Zal mijn programma voor 't einde van het jaar een beetje moeten veranderen want...broer Pascal trouwt later dit jaar. Weet nog geen 100% zeker i.v.m. de datum, maar normaal gezien zou het op 18 september moeten gebeuren. Watch this space!!
Dit betekent dus dat we in september nog een lang weekend in Belgie hebben en ik dus in oktober niet zal afkomen voor Rapper dan een Ezel in Kuurne. Dit ezelke geboren in Kuurne zal dus wachten tot in 2010 om aan deze 1/2 marathon mee te doen.
Ondertussen al wel een andere 1/2 marathon gevonden, op 8 November in Lancaster, hier enkele uurtjes vandaan. Wilde zeker nog een halve lopen later op 't jaar en deze lijkt met best geschikt omdat ik las dat het een vlakke is.
Zo, morgen rustdag want moet lang werken op een beurs op mijn werk. Normaal gezien loop ik een 10tal kilometers op mijn eentje woensdagavond.
Ciao - Nathalie
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Busy week but not on the running front!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Hope you've done something romantic with your loved one!!
Not much has happened this week on the running front. It's an extremely busy period at work and haven't had much energy for running to be honest. Did go training with the group on Thursday evening and did 9.6km at 10.8km/h, so suppose that was too bad.
Will go for a run with a few from the group tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to the early start but need to get another run in this week.
Next week should be better, as I am not working Thursday and Friday. Planning to do a run Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday to get milage up a bit. Not planning a 1/2 marathon until Chester in May but feel I need to run further and slower during some sessions to cope better with 10km races and longer ones.
Now a re-cap on my running weekend in Belgium. Photos can be viewed on the website from my club, De Gavertrimmers and on the Ludo Depoortere's blog. I've had some problems uploading these photos on my blog and haven't got the time or patience tonight.
Sunday 8th February 8am: Gavertrimmers Club championships: Tiegem-Harelbeke
Early start that morning as family friend Ludo Depoortere was picking me up a 6.30am from my parents' house in Lendelede. From there we picked up brother Pascal to go together to the sportshall in Harelbeke to collect our starting numbers and get on the coach with other club members to the start in Tiegem. Just some time to spare for quick stretching and a group photo in Tiegem.
The race itself went very much as planned really. Start a bit too fast (nothing new there for me!), guess approx 13-14km/h and managed to run at 12/km/h until just before the 8km mark. Was running on my own and because my breathing was all over the place with my cold, I slowed down before halfway and let the lady in third position, Liane catch up with me. I knew from her past results that she would be a contender for 2nd place and although we were not running in the same age category, she used to be a much faster runner than me!
I managed to 'hang on' for a while but had to let her go in the end. When we came to a bridge over the motorway in Deerlijk, I managed to catch up with Liane again going uphill (probably due to my hillsessions here in Chester) but she ran away from me again in the downhill and I had to watch her run 40-50 metres in front of me for the next few kilometres.
Luckily, brother Pascal who finished ages ago in a super 2nd position, came to find me and ran with me for the last mile or so. I had said to Liane that I was more than happy for her to take second place but Pascal wanted me to put up a fight, so I managed to outsprint her and secured second place in 1h15'42", as expected just over 4 minutes behind the ladies winner Veronique Timmermans.
More about the afternoon's cross country race in Dadizele, Belgium, tomorrow!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Terug in 't land!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Running in the snow!
Rest today and tomorrow and hopefully another run with the group on Thursday evening. Not looking forward to getting up at 3.30am in Friday morning. Booked the wrong flight to Brussels and this means I need to take a 4am taxi to Manchester Airport! Never mind, I will be on Belgian soil by 9am-ish so that's great.
So next time either news from Belgium or on Monday when back from my weekend away.
bye for now!